
I can see you easing through pain, as you walk,

Still burdened, but less caressed now, with the drama, the stress.

Thoughts of insanity remain but, unaffected it seems,

and you, as you are, hurting through every able prospect,

feel betrayed, more by life, than other customary concerns.

With people opting other people over you,

And friends confessing in other friends things you never wanted them to,

With prohibitions sustaining you from all the joyous prospects,

and circumstances limiting you with all of that’s left.

But don’t you forget what lies beyond, darling,

For beyond, lies a whole different world,

Imbued with beauty, seldom seen by anyone,

Where pain is a distant memory and hurt has no meaning,

Where trust is unscathed and forever is not a lie.

Come on now, let me take you,

Let me take you beyond life.


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